My vault is where all of my publications will be stored, as well as short blurbs about them. This also includes works done by other artists who have helped me on my journey as a new author and deserve recognition for their amazing talents and dedication to their crafts.
Ley-Line Origins
Arcane Thief, my first publication, and first of the origin short stories of the Ley-Line Origins Anthology, and is out now with a brand new E-look! You can order the E-book here and the paperback version here. Read this exciting novelette about Erzo Traliz and his young, foolhardy chase for revenge!
Impure Nobility is the second introduction of short stories that will be added to the Ley-Line Origins Anthology, where a young girl is about to embrace her inner most self and accept her new destiny!
The Sin of Innocence is the third introduction of short stories that will be added to the Ley-Line Origins Anthology! Here we find Aalangancor, a young Demonborne, facing tragedy upon returning home to his younger sister. Was it something he did coming back to haunt him or something he didn't do?
Glimpse of the Unthinkable is the fourth introduction of short stories that will be added to the Ley-Line Origins Anthology! Rhein Cross is a man of many talents. However, even he can make mistakes. One of which landed him in a place he had never thought possible.
Ley-Line Origins Anthology: Volume 1 is now available and can be found here!
The Exchange Duology series
Equivalent Exchange, first of a Two Part duology series, is nearing its release!
See what consequences lie in wait for King Filleon and his actions for the sake of saving his daughter's life.
Featured Artists
VIII Collection
Filmography, Graphic Art, and Street Art made by the artist VIII. You can find everything about he, and his work here, as well as a way to connect with them.
Mehreen Shaukat
Mehreen is a highly skilled graphic artist with several years of professional experience and known widely on the Fiverr platform for her stunning and unique Book Cover Designs, so take a look and/or get in contact for her services.
Treasury Room
This is where all of my current Game Development Projects are displayed. I have multiple in production as we speak.
Each title I am working on will have an apropriated Game Design Document poster to be shown here. However, understand that I will not list the game in development unless that poster is in fact revealed here.
Further information can be found on my discord server.
Current Projects
This game is the 2D action rpg that is set to follow the events of the story "Arcane Thief"!
All of my games, once finished, will be posted on by following the button link below - including prototypes to try out.
All of my nonfiction blog content can be found on Medium by using the button below!
As a Game Master, my starting point was learning how to world build using the Dungeon Master Guide!
This was my starting point into writing, world building and learning how to be an effective Game Master! If I could do it all over again, I would do the same thing without hesitation.
I want as many people to enjoy the worlds they create for games, books and everything in between so I will do my best to publish some articles about what I did multiple times a week. A difficult task but one I plan to accomplish.
Also, if you are interested in getting into Dungeon's and Dragon's, use my affiliate link to grab yourself the 5th edition DnD Beginner Set! I personally use metal dice because I love the humour feeling of making my players flinch and think twice!